October 22, 2024
Dora Crypto Icons
Crypto Icon: Natnet
Featuring all your favorite industry icons. This week's ft is known for hosting unforgettable events w@CelestiaOrg, a love for yoga, & deep passion for nature @natn3t you inspire us all.

Featuring all your favorite industry icons
This week's ft is known for hosting unforgettable events w @CelestiaOrg, a love for yoga, & deep passion for nature @natn3t you inspire us all.

Who are you? *Nardwaur Voice*This is deep. I’m an explorer, like Dora (hihi), but in a life’s force. Also, long table lover.

What are you currently working on?"Rejected" — an event for rejected talks by Devcon. Expect wildness. There are a bunch of other experiences I’m excited to announce soon. Personally, I’m learning to meditate, how to say no and balance poses.

Morning rituals? Yoga and sencha tea. GMing my family. Checking Telegram messages.

Bedtime rituals? Listening to hypnosis meditation in Slovakian. I’m Czech, and the languages are similar, but Slovakian sounds much softer—nice to fall asleep to.

What energizes you? Sleeping well, exercising, journaling, my family and friends, cold showers, dancing, walks, animals, accomplishing difficult or challenging tasks, and country music, lol.

What’s something that’s inspirational? Kind people. Brave people with “Come and take it” approach. Women that wakes up at 6 am to do their workouts before their calls.

Who do you look up to? People that I look up to are the people that I asked for an advice and that dependes on situations. My love ones that want the best for me and tells me to take off the pink glasses.

I know a lot about ___ Creating safe spaces, human psychology, yoga, and natural remedies.

How did you get into crypto? I connected multiple dots: my dad, trading, backpacking, speaking Chinese, and the fact that I’m not afraid to ask for what I want when I see an opportunity.

What keeps you here? The team’s vision, the opportunities to create and my lifestyle.

What’s your latest prediction? That Devcon will be a bit of a mess with Bangkok traffic. Let’s be honest.

Last time you checked Twitter? Doing it now.

What inspires you?Nature and Pinterest but it’s more of a process for me. Try silencing your mind. Something even doing nothing brings inspiration.

What’s your favorite meal? It depends on where I am in the world. Currently, it’s fattoush and fresh grilled prawns from the fish market.

Favorite season? Spring in Mexico City.

Favorite meme? Sloths.

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi with squeezed lemons.

Sweet or salty? Salted cashews.